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~ Micheal & Twin's Scatto~ Mom ~ Valentine's 2010 ~ February 2, 2010

Jordan's Grma/Kim's sister February 2, 2010




Compassionate Friends - by Steven L Channing

I can tell by that look, Friend, that you need to talk,
So come take my hand, and let's go for a walk.
See, I'm not like the others; I won't shy away,
Because I want to hear what you've got to say.

Your child has died, and you need to be heard,
But they don't want to hear a single word.
They tell you your child's "with God," so be strong.
They say all the "right" things, that somehow sound wrong.

They're just hurting for you and trying to say
They'd give anything to help take your pain away.
But they're struggling with feelings they can't understand,
So forgive them for not offering a hand.

I'll walk in your shoes for more than a mile.
I'll wait while you cry, and be glad if you smile.
I won't criticize you or judge you or scorn,
I'll just stay and listen 'til your night turns to morn.

Yes, the journey is hard and unbearably long,
And I know that you think that you're not quite that strong.
So take my hand 'cause I've got time to spare,
And I know how it hurts, Friend, for I have been there.

See, I owe a debt you can help me repay
For not long ago, I was helped the same way.
And I stumbled and fell thru a world so unreal,
So believe me when I say that I know how you feel.

I don't look for praise or financial gain
And I'm sure not the kind who gets joy out of pain.
I'm just a strong shoulder who will be there 'til the end.
Someone who will be your Compassionate Friend.



Mary(Nicholas Hands Mom) THANK YOU!! February 1, 2010

I send this little message
with a Big THANK YOU, just for you.
Because you are so special
and just so thoughtful too

I've been so very lucky
to have found you as a friend,
and any time you've need of it,
I've got a hand to lend.

Thank you so much for the lovely candles and Picture’s

That you given me and my precious Nick for his Birthday.

You truly touch my heart over and over again with your

Kindness and caring. You and your Angel (s) will always

Be in my Heart….THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH…..

________ THANK YOU______
__________ XXXXX________


* + . * . + . * . * . *+. * . * + *
* + . * . + . * . * . * * . * . * . +
* . Friends are like stars. * + *
. * . You don't always see them. *
but you know they are always there
+. * . * + * . * . * . * . + * . *.+
* + . * . + . * . * . *+. * . * + * .





~ Micheal & Twin's Scatto~ Mom ~ THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH ~ January 31, 2010

Carol--Adam's Mom Holding Your Heart In My Hand January 30, 2010

mary-sister of Harry Howarth only the best January 30, 2010

God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not meant to be,
So he put his arms around you
and whispered "Come to Me".
With tearful eyes we watched you,
as we saw you pass away.
Although we loved you deeply,
we could not make you stay.
Your Golden Heart stopped beating,
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.

F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg Thinking of You Precious Waylon January 28, 2010

When children go to Heaven
What do they do all day
Is there someone up there 
To join with them in play?

Will there be someone to hold them
And cuddle them with love
Will they teach them how to fly
With the Angels up above?


I think I know the answer
And it fills my heart with joy
A place called Heaven's Playground
For every girl and boy.

There are Angels blowing bubbles
Lovely music fills the air
Tiny pups to play with
I know they're happy there.







To those I love,

Since we parted, you have been sharing so much of ME with those around you. The memories are so fresh and real. You hold on to me so tightly in your hearts - where I shall always be.

Your concern has always been for me, but I wonder how you are doing. You will never know all of the prayers that have been prayed for you, the tears that have been shed over your grief and the concern that has been shown for you in a multitude of ways, but I find it so comforting to know you haven't been left alone.

Please know that I am not alone, either. The death that hurt you the most has given me the gift of eternal life. God's promises have been fulfilled in me. When I left you, God was there, waiting, just as He promised. I am surrounded by perfect love. Never let anyone tell you God doesn't exist. If you need to be mad at Him for awhile, that's okay; He can handle it. But never let hate, anger or bitterness fuel your emotions. Talk to Him and let him talk to you. Listen for Him in the voices of the people who love and care about you.

It is comforting to know that you hold me so close while struggling with the prospect of letting me go. You need to know that we will always be together. Eternity is not 'out there,' eternity is now! I have simply moved a little farther ahead of you.

Remember that God never wastes anything - especially love. The love that we shared on earth will be even greater in Heaven. For now, you must rest assured that I am safe in God's perfect love. I would like you to take some of the love you have for me and share it with those around you. You can never run out of love - the more you give away, the more you will have. And let others love you . you are worth loving.

Life is forever....mine has changed in the twinkling of an eye while yours is changing day-by-day and minute-by-minute. Though your lives will never be the same, that does not mean that they cannot be filled with peace, joy and love. Always look to the future. Don't be afraid of tomorrow - God's already there.... Be patient with yourselves. You will make some mistakes, and you will even find yourselves not thinking about 'me' from time to time. That's all right too.... All of my needs are being met; you need to take care of you. Hold onto one another, help each other, give hope and love to all you meet.

Above all, be prepared to welcome others into your world of grief and mourning. You are being taught valuable lessons that will need to be passed along. Some will not have your strength, many will not have your faith, and most will feel they are all alone; but all will need the love and understanding only you will be able to give. Now, your pain is the only credential you need to minister to others. When you think of me, never think of me as being alone. Think of me as smiling, laughing and enjoying all that God has prepared for me.

Finally, never believe you are alone. Do not focus on what you have lost, but look always at what you have left. You are surrounded by people who love you and care about you. Live with them, love with them, share with them and laugh with them. Make every day a celebration of life - a life that will never end. We will meet again, and until we do, know that I am very proud of you for never giving up.
I love you!


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