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Birthday page!My Little CowboyWaylons Custom Page
Árbol Genealógico
Bette - Timmy Clark's mom Have a Safe & Happy Labor Day September 3, 2009

Carol--Adam's Mom Have A Safe Weekend September 3, 2009

pam Precious child September 3, 2009

I grieve with you as I lost my son. There is nothing so difficult to endure as the loss of a child. My prayers to you. May God touch you today in a special comforting way.

Don't Mourn For Me
Mother, please don't mourn for me;
I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side
each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.

My body is gone but I'm always near
I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free,
but I'll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.

I'll never wander out of your sight--
I'm the brightest star
on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach--
I'm the warm moist sand
when you're at the beach.

I'm the colorful leaves
when fall comes around,
And the pure white snow
that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers
of which you're so fond--
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.

I'm the first bright blossom
you'll see in the spring;
The first warm raindrop
that April will bring.
I'm the first ray of light
when the sun starts to shine,
And you'll see
that the face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking
there's no one to love you,
You can talk to me
through the Lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer
through the leaves on the trees,
And you'll feel my presence
in the soft summer breeeze.

I'm the hot salty tears
that flow when you weep
And the beautiful dreams
that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on baby's face.
Just look for me, Mommy,
I'm everyplace !
(Author unknown)
Charity & Tim (Austin Shanks) happy wednesday September 2, 2009

Good Morning Beautiful Angel Waylon

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Love & Remembrance Always xxxxx Gloria Anthony Shallo's Mom  xxxxx

Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner With Love! September 1, 2009

♥Mom~Micheal & Twin's Scatto♥ ♥ Have a Safe Labor Day ♥ August 31, 2009

Jack Isaac Voigt's Mom ` August 31, 2009
It's so hard for us to understand God's plans, we need only to remember that He loves us and He does care for us when we hurt. Our sons touched our lives and will always continue to do just that everyday. The love and the loss of our sons has allowed us to love more, appreciate what we still have more and look forward to the eternal life God promises us. And if you hold on to God, He will ease the pain, and you and I, we will hold our babies again. God bless you and your family, I pray that you will have continued peace in your heart and the understanding to know that your son lived a full life because he lived the life God intended for him. His purpose here on earth was fulfilled. And now he's side by side with Jesus and my son doing great things in heaven. Again, may God bless you and hold your heart as you heal.
Amanda Gastons~mom~Cece Always Very Thankful for You! August 30, 2009
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